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Frequently Asked Questions about Engineering:


What do engineers do?

Most engineers work in the fabrication, construction or maintenance of something. Some typical tasks are:

  • Calculate the sizes of the columns and beams for a building (civil engineer).

  • Calculate the size of the heating furnace for a building (mechanical engineer).

  • Select the electrical transformer to supply power to a plant (electrical engineer).

  • Design a system to control a new machine (instrumentation engineer).

  • Estimate the cost of building a new school (cost engineer).

  • Prepare the schedule for the construction of a new shopping center (planning engineer).

  • Investigate why a crane cable breaks frequently (maintenance engineer).

  • Etc.

  • ​

How long do you have to study to become an engineer?

Most engineers have a Bachelor degree that requires 4 years of University studies.


Do you have to study math and science to be an engineer?

Engineers used scientific formulas that sometimes require advanced mathematics. Hence you need to study science and math to understand engineering courses.   


Where do engineers work?

Engineers work in many places: Consulting offices, governments, private companies, research centres... They work in offices, in plants, on construction sites, oil fields, mines, etc.


Do engineers have to wear hard hat all the time?

Not all the time, only when they are in places where things can fall on them, such as a construction sites. They wear regular clothes in the office.


How much do engineers earn?

The average salary for a recently graduated engineer is about $60,000 per year. An experienced engineer can make $200,000 a year or more.



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